Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pink is the love you discover

My husband and I took our daughter for an Old Forest stroll yesterday afternoon. We counted birds for the Great Backyard Bird Count and tallied 15 species in 30 minutes. We both enjoy learning the names of our feathery friends, but are rank amateurs compared to true birders.

We did identify a bright upward spiral of a dozen white pelicans before they vanished into the blue. (I also saw a skein of sandhill cranes flying over the Old Forest last week -- a hopeful sign for the continuing recovery of that species.)

Along the way, we spotted a handful of "sexy red maples" (Acer rubrum) sporting delicate deep-pink flowers.

And we couldn't fail to spot this runner, who was totally rocking the hot-guy-in-a-dress look. His dress even matched the maple flowers!


Stacey Greenberg said...

I saw a whole group of men in red dresses yesterday running down Madison. When I asked what they were up to they said they were on a beer scavenger hunt!

Naomi Van Tol said...

Funny! This guy must have broken loose from the pack. I can just picture it:

"Hey guys, let's do a beer scavenger hunt! We'll need to wear dresses, obviously..."